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Because I know what it’s like to stand in this place of desperation… to feel as if the entire world is crumbling down around me… and I know what it’s like to feel alone. I believe that you can experience both brokenness and joy… that in fact, you cannot experience one without the other… you’ll […]
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When we claim #alllivesmatter but fail to stand up against racism and be fully and wholeheartedly anti-racist… we actually can’t lean in to a world where all lives matter… because ALL lives can’t matter until Black lives matter too. I’ve seen some people angry that white people are just now speaking out… but if that’s […]
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You’ve probably heard and seen a lot of heartfelt messages from small business owners across the county about how COVID-19 has and is affecting their businesses… while I, too, am being affected by the pandemic, my heart hasn’t stopped aching for my couples and all of the couples across the world as they try to […]
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Notice I didn’t say thriving during COVID-19?!!? Definitely over here trying to survive… literally. As someone who only has a handful of safe foods, my fear of not having access to food is VERY REAL right now… probably the heaviest it’s ever felt in fact… you can read more about my story here…. and here… […]
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If you or someone you love is planning to say ‘I do’ in the next few months, you already know how truly stressful this is for them. We are all in unchartered territory as we navigate through these uncertain times and never-ending restrictions and bans in regards to COVID-19. So what do we do from […]
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heyyyyyyy emily here! 🙂 there is soooo much to learn from each individual — everyone’s story is different.. everyone’s past is different.. — there are no two alike stories and that is what I love most when learning about people.. hearing WHY they are the way they are now!! so I wanted to do a […]
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hey there! emily here 🙂 I wanted to give our couples and their bridal party my top 3 favorite tips for choosing your preceremony location! when you are wanting an AMAZING venue and the getting ready location is well, a little less than amazing — you choose the venue over the getting ready location, rightfully […]
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emily/emy here!! when people ask me — “why did you start doing photography?” or “why do you love photography so much?!” it truly makes me think and wonder what answer I should give! there are SO many reasons and answers to that question.. if you read my past blog on “my how” then you will just scratch […]
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Such a fun way for you to get to know me a little better — these fun questions were grabbed using the random question generator!!! You should try too!!! >> What is the most impressive thing you know how to do? I can pop almost every part of my body — including my inner thighs […]
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heyyyyy there Emily here!!! if you’re new around here, i’m the associate photographer for Sharon Elizabeth Photography!!! i wanted to share a little about “how i got started in photography”… to give you all a little back story into the life of Emily haha growing up i always wanted to be a lawyer.. or a […]
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