If you ask anyone that knows me – they’ll likely all tell you the same thing… that I love learning and understanding both myself and others… Understanding emotions — thoughts — actions and uncovering what our own unique gifts are. All of these things help make up our story and define our ‘voice’.
I believe ‘gifts’ are the positive attributes and strengths that we possess than bring light and love to others!!!
>> take a personality test – or 30!!!! one easy way to uncover who you are and what strengths you possess is to start asking yourself questions… now most of us would have a hard time even thinking of questions to ask – which is why personality tests are so helpful… here are some of my favorites:
1) enneagram
2) strengths finder
3) spiritual gifts
4) myers-briggs
5) color code
>> ask your trusted and closest friends/family – three of the traits THEY see in you or three ways in which you have blessed them… you’re bound to see some commonalities in their responses… do their responses align with your heart – if so, take note, my friend!
>> have an honest conversation with yourself – think back to your childhood – teenage years – last week… what are some stand out moments in your life where you just felt… GOOD… what were you doing — how were you showing up for someone else… in what little moments do you feel your absolute best… for instance, when i am sitting across from another woman and she is opening up about a hardship or stronghold and i can speak life into her situation and see her come alive and feel less burdened… THAT’S my moment – that’s my ‘feel good’ and ‘i have purpose’ moment! (i have a gift of encouragement and understanding)
>> define your weaknesses – jot down or think about things that you truly deeply don’t enjoy… what areas bring you great disappointment or lack of fulfillment?!?!?! once you’ve addressed those – you can then start thinking about the ‘opposite’ of those and that’s where you’ll find some of your strengths… for instance, i find little to no joy in being spontaneous or going on an adventure — it fills me with anxiety, and i have no peace…. BUT.. having an organized and well thought out PLAN – now THAT brings me peace and i have so much fun writing out each step for a project. (i have a gift of organization/planning)
>> reflect on appreciation – start thinking back on times in your life that other people have thanked you… did they thank you for listening to them (the gift of active listening and ‘seeing’ and ‘hearing’ who someone is) – did they thank you for doing the chores around the house (gift of service) – did they thank you for giving them amazing advice (the gift of wisdom)?!?! what are some common trends in how people have appreciated you!
So while this is not an exhaustive list, I wanted to share with you five ways that I personally have helped myself uncover my own gifts…. and I hope this brings you so much clarity and thus light to those that you love and adore!!!