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15 mistakes you may be making as a wedding photographer if you are in the photography industry this is one episode you don’t want to miss!! i’m spilling the beans on 15 mistakes you may be making on the wedding day.. and a bonus mistake i know most of us have been guilty of… you […]

episode 52 | 15 mistakes you may be making as a wedding photographer


breaking joy podcast with sharon hundley


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photography nightmares in this episode, i’m sharing all about common nightmares photographers have before events and the stories that go with them. be sure to read the show notes too because i’m also giving away a special gift that can help you overcome lighting struggles—one of the most popular nightmares photographers have! Click here to […]

episode 49 | photography nightmares



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3 of my standout business mistakes Click here to listen! Sharing 3 of my standout business mistakes, but let me ask you… how do you view a mistake?! Tune in to find out my thoughts! Click here to listen on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Rate, Review, + Follow on Apple Podcasts “An amazing and heartfelt […]

Episode 22 | 3 of my standout business mistakes


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