these are the things that make up the pieces of my heart…. offering another woman a safe place to be heard and seen… because i’ll be honest, for so long i never felt heard… and i never felt seen… i think that’s true for so many of us right?!?!!?
i thrive in the depths of raw and hard conversations… the types of conversations that most people tend to tip toe around. i love the types of relationships that you don’t have to walk on eggshells through.. i love standing in a room with women who are vulnerable… courageously vulnerable.
that’s what this community is about.
dear me is a community focused towards connecting women… and not superficially…. connecting about LIFE… the good and the bad… the ugly and the hard… and digging in to help each other experience a breakthrough in their lives…. to experience a breakthrough ourselves…
i STRONGLY believe that when we can own our own truth and stand firmly in our own stories, we can inspire other women to do the same… this is when inspiration meets impact… we each have the opportunity to impact someone else SIMPLY by being brave and courageous… by being vulnerable.
our stories MEAN SOMETHING…. our life is not without purpose… and it’s time to let our stories be told.
will you be brave with me and start sharing yours?!!?!? if so, use code brave19 to save $10 a month – before feburary 1st and let’s start pouring into our own buckets, so that we can begin to pour into others!